Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Do you remember the commercial of the girls talking about their favorite treat and declaring, "To die for."  I do not remember the product, but the saying has so many meanings.  I think of the people who have died to give us the freedom that we enjoy in the United States.  I think of the incredible sacrifice that Christ paid, dying on the cross for our freedom and everlasting life.  What would you die for?

Jesus invites us to lose our lives for Him.  I wonder if I really am willing to die for Him.  Will I die for someone who does not know how much He loves them?  Could you imagine a soldier only serving if he knew he was serving people who believed the way he did?  Having grown up in the Viet Nam era, I recall the protests and the nightly pictures of flag draped caskets, and the day's tally of the dead on both sides.  So many young men did not have the choice of what they died for.  They believed that they were serving a higher good at least they hoped that was so.

On this election day, what will you die for?  What will you do to help change your world for Christ?  Will you vote?

Chuck Colson writes in his blog today, "today of all days, thank God we still live in a free nation. So speak out. Exercise your right. Fulfill your duty. Go and vote" 
God Bless,
Pastor Bill

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