Monday, January 27, 2014


I was reading Isaiah 58 this morning as I began this week of prayer and fasting. It strikes me that we often go to God in prayer asking for many things. I wonder, if we have missed being humble by the way we run into the Throne Room of God to ask for something and then run onto our next task.

Do you remember how Esther did not eat or drink anything for three days as she prayed before she entered the King's presence unannounced? She asked Mordecai and her servants to do the same. God is gracious and loving, but maybe we should be more humble in the way we approach God. Most of us probably pray with a certain amount of respect. But perhaps, we should take this privilege even more seriously. When we pray, we are talking to the King of Kings. I'm just thinking that this is a big deal.

If you are joining us in this fast, please be humble in your approach. We want God to set us free to do His will in this community.
  1. Pray for spiritual breakthrough from spirit of dissent/criticism
  2. Pray for revival to begin in you
  3. Pray that we would have the heart of Jesus for our neighbors
  4. Listen while you pray

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